Consult Clinical Dietitian and Nutritionist in Ahmedabad
Experience and Achievement
- ABPlus Hospital, Ahmedabad May 2022 – Present Clinical Dietitian
- Consult outpatients and inpatients specifically for Bariatrics, GI, and Ortho patients along with the planning of general Diet – Zydus Hospitals, Ahmedabad August 2021 – March 2022 – Clinical Dietitian
- Consult inpatients in diverse departments of the hospital by conducting daily rounds and evaluating the needs of the patients as per their condition and diagnosis
- Consult outpatients by providing them with a tailored nutrition plan as per their diagnosis and needs. AdventHealth Orlando, USA January 2020 – February 2021 – Clinical dietitian
- Consulted on a rotating basis in multiple departments including Cardiology, Neurology, Intensive care, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Oncology, Pulmonology, Pediatrics, NICU University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Research Assistant January 2019 – December 2019
- Assisting Dr. Karen Chapman-Novakofski (PhD, RD) with “Diabetes Lifeline.” – Created 57 handouts and developed a website along with Illinois Extension to provide information and materials on causes, prevention and management of Diabetes in all age groups.
- Assisting Dr. Melissa Prescott (PhD, RDN) with “Healthy planet, healthy youth: A food system education and promotion intervention to improve adolescent diet quality and reduce food waste.”
- Collected and analysed >1000 data by weighing pre and post lunch plates in 5 local schools for a plate waste study
- Teaching Assistant August 2019 – December 2019
- ACES 101: Contemporary Issues in Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences – EDMO Clinic, Ahmedabad, India June 2018- August 2018 – Assistant Dietitian
- Counseled outpatients and created specific clinically approved diet plans under supervision of the Registered Dietitian
- Researched and presented on the use and effects of food-drug interaction on diabetes, thyroid and obesity.