Program 7 - Cardiac Wellness


Rs. 8000/-
The CARDIAC WELLNESS PROGRAM consists of Preliminary Tests, Kidney Function Test, Diabetic Profile, Liver Function Test, Cardiac Checks, Radiology Imaging and Consultation.

Included Tests

Program includes following parameters
Preliminary TestsComplete Blood Count
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Urine Routine / Microscopy
Diabetic ProfileFasting Blood Sugar / Random Blood Sugar
HbA1c (3 month sugar level, glycosylated hemoglobin)
Kidney Function TestS. Creatinine
Liver Function TestSGPT
Cardiac Checks

Lipid Profile
Echocardiography Screening and Treadmill Test

Radiology ImagingChest X-Ray
ConsultationGeneral Physician / Specialist Referral*

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